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Georgia NAACP launches State Wide Voter Mobilization Effort during First Weekend of Early Voting.


All around the State, Local Units have launches rallies and voter mobilization events to turn out voters for the early vote in Georgia. From Fulton County to Bulloch, #PartytothePolls are in full swing across the 180 units of the Georgia NAACP. In Henry County and Liberty County, local units have begun to coordinate with other civic engagement and voting rights groups to mobilize the vote. The Georgia NAACP is proud to stand with its partners to ensure that Georgian exercise their right to vote early across the State.

"With the records turnout in the early vote, it is our hope as the oldest civil rights organization in the state, that we assist in the continue effort to increase voter turnout as well as voter access. The Georgia NAACP will continue to push out the vote in Georgia," states Georgia NAACP President Gerald Griggs.


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