The now-viral video of the Police beating Tyre Nichols's impact stretches across the nation. In Georgia, Police involved incidents happen far too often, with few police officers being held accountable. We, the State Conference of the Georgia NAACP, stand in solidarity with the Memphis NAACP and the State Conference of the Tennessee NAACP. We will support the family of Tyre Nichols and the call for justice nationally. We will further demand changes locally, in Georgia, and Nationally.
"This is not about being anti-law enforcement. It's about being pro-justice. Right now, there's not a lot of justice going on. It seems like it's 'just us.' We're done dying. Done! Until elected officials understand that we are done dying, we will be outside," said President Gerald Griggs.
The Georgia NAACP calls on Elected officials to do more. No more thoughts and prayers. It's time for legislation and action. The Georgia NAACP demands:
Body Cameras on all Sworn Officers in Georgia.
Special Independent Prosecutors appoint in all Police-Involved Deaths.
No Officers being allowed to testify in the own Police involved cases before the Grand Jury.
A Public Statewide database for the use of Force for fired Officers.